Itsa Mouse and the Cake House

(A colourfully illustrated children’s chapter book for ages 6-10 years).

Information for press, libraries, bookshops and bloggers



Itsa Mouse and the Cake House is a beautifully illustrated children’s chapter book that tells the heartwarming tale of five adorable mouse friends and how a cake changed their lives! It’s suitable for children aged 6-10 years.

We did extensive beta testing with a wide range of children and their parents, ranging in age from 3 to 11. The feedback from all families was that the ideal reading age range was between 6-10, although slightly younger and slightly older children very much enjoyed reading the book. They all wanted to know what happens next in the adventure. Fortunately, book two is already written and the illustration process has started, so they won’t have to wait too long!

Itsa Mouse and the Cake House is full of fun and humour, has an element of jeopardy, involves food (!) and has a number of familiar elements (winter weather, family, Christmas traditions) as well as other interesting themes for discussion. Those themes include homelessness, recycling, composting and albinism – all covered in an age-appropriate manner and totally congruent with the story. The feedback from parents was that they and their children enjoyed the discussions that came about through reading the book.

Here is a selection of feedback that we received from our young readers and their grown-ups:


  • Xander (6) was totally engaged throughout.
  • Kal (7) ‘I think it was a great book and I like how the mice made the most of their home, especially the bin bit.’ I also thought it was a very interesting, exciting and funny story, which will help get children thinking about appreciating what they have.’
  • My 6year old Ethan loved the book and said you are a very good writer! I loved the aspects that opened up conversations with my son around homelessness, albinism and Christmas traditions. Thank you for sharing this lovely book with us, he wanted to know what happened next!!
  • Andriani (6) and Axel (8) Both kids really enjoyed it Rating out of 10 is 9.5 (because no book is perfect apparently). They enjoyed the humour They liked the rhyming. They enjoyed the theme of the story of the houses and the search for a homeland the idea of the Gang as a family looking out for each other. They liked the part about the leader needing glasses and a fur coat and how his gang came to support rescue his missing glasses They liked the eco reference with the cocktail stick They enjoyed the twist at the end with the box and going into the dustbin Hope this helps it gives you some sense that it was really enjoyed by the kids and had some really good talking and learning points.
  • Jacob (9) Loved the story. Interested in book 2. Would like to see a Halloween adventure. Enjoyed the plot and the mice. Loved their names. Loved Itsa best. Loved the pics. Jacob, aged 9. Honestly, he loves it and was really engrossed in the story and kept asking about the characters and what certain things meant. He immediately picked up on the mouse names probably as I had introduced him to Asterix (Dogmatix, Cacophonix, Vitalstatistix etc).
  • Harrison (9) This book is epic! It’s very festive, about a clever little mouse and how he and his friends have lots of adventures. I really hope there are more books like this, I love it! *Harrison also sent us this fabulous video review:

A percentage of profits from the sale of this book will go to Centrepoint. Centrepoint is a charity in the United Kingdom that provides accommodation and support to homeless young people aged 16–25. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, has been a patron of the organization since 2005; his first patronage. His mother Diana, Princess of Wales, was a patron of the organization before she died.


A link is given in the introduction explaining how readers can make their own donation to Centrepoint if they wish.

Most of all the book is a good old-fashioned children’s illustrated adventure book that is guaranteed to have them turning the pages and put a great big smile on their faces.

Full-size cover, the one sheet and press release are below for you to download.

If you need any further information, please do let me know by emailing

Link to Amazon page for Itsa Mouse and the Cake House:

Link to Amazon page for the accompanying Itsa Mouse and the Colouring Book: