

A gothic horror novel that has grabbed the attention of genre fans around the globe, combining true crime with Grimm to provide a fast-paced adult fairytale romp through the darkest recesses of your imagination.

The spookiest treat for Halloween's right here. 178 pages of dark, twisted & mysterious goings on.

- Jonathan Ross
Toula Mavridou-Messer has one of the most creative minds I have ever come across. In fact, her imagination knows no bounds!

- LA Writers Center

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Just. WOW. What a unique book! I loved this! This was a horror book with a mystery and a twist! 

– Word Forward

This is a fantastic read, Macabre and funny, witty and clever, no long journey should be attempted without it! The writer couples rich and vivid language with a superb plot that keeps you guessing 

– Dominic Wolf

This is crime fiction like no other! Fairy tales for grown ups with just enough humour to see you through the dark. 

– Amanda Goldman

If you enjoy dark, but easy to read mysteries, I definitely recommend Mortal End: A Simmering Pit Of Jiggery Pokery by Toula Mavridou-Messer. This will be a great Halloween read! 

– Ellen P. Lafleche-christian

Mortal End brings together some of the best aspects of Grimm’s Fairy Tales mixed with larger than life characters in a Tim Burton-esq way and adds a dash of sexual content and some great humour all wrapped up in a fantastic writing style. 

– WJ Thompson

A truly delicious dark tale well worth the read.

– Johnny Kyriacou

For those who like their humor black, satirical and with a Gothic twist this is a must read. Tongue in cheek all the way, the book is written in a style that satirizes the very language of Victorian, Gothic horror, paying a backhanded ‘homage’ to Dickens, Poe, Stoker and the Grimm brothers with a large dash of Washington Irving’s ‘Sleepy Hollow’ and the epic Beowulf, (Grendel’s mother), thrown in. Gruesomely funny! 

– Sara Salyers

This is Grimm in the best way – it’s a strange and twisted murder mystery. I enjoyed this book immensely. Wonderfully Dickensian names, completely twisted logic, weirdly gorgeous descriptions – it’s a totally bonkers dark fairy tale, with fantastic twists and turns and an unexpected ending. 

– Ally A